Frequently Asked Questions

Using Partmart - Buyers

Searching for Parts

Partmart is driven by the genuine manufacturer’s part number. When a seller uploads their parts file they add the part exactly how the manufacturer, for example Samsung produces the number.

Simply head to the main page of the website and enter the part number that you require as produced by the manufacturer. If you fail to select the relevant Manufacturer the site will prompt you to make a selection before allowing you to click on the search button.

Partmart uses a wildcard searching system that allows you to enter a partial number or description. It will search the database and return any parts that match your query.

If a match is found Partmart will return this information on the search results page, along with a brief description of the item, the name of the seller and the price shown in the currency of the seller. To make a conversion into your own currency click on the following link

If multiple results are displayed, simply click the “Add to List” button on the right hand side of the page. If you would like to contact multiple sellers on the page Simply click the “Add all Parts” button.

Dealing with a Seller

Partmart brings buyers and seller together using the manufacturer’s part number. Searching is FREE for all users. No Log in required.

How do I contact the Seller?

Once you have completed a search for your desired part, Partmart will provide a list of the sellers that have your part listed on the site via the results page.

If multiple results are displayed, simply click the “Add to List” button on the right hand side of the page. If you would like to contact multiple sellers on the page, Simply click the “Add all Parts” button.

To view a video of how to search for a part click here

Once you have clicked on the “Add to List or “Add all Parts” button, the “View parts Button” will change colour to Yellow.

Contacting The Seller

When you are ready to contact your seller simply click on the “View Parts List” Button. This will take you to the ‘Part List’ page.

Parts List

From the Parts List page you can change the quantity of the part that you are searching for by clicking on the qty field and entering the required number. Click the save button when finished. You can remove a line in the parts summary box by clicking “Remove” in the action column.

We recommend messaging the seller due to time zone differences between countries and possible language barriers. Our research shows that the response rate from messaging the seller is always higher.

If you wish to contact the seller by phone simply click to reveal the sellers phone number. If the seller hasn’t listed the country code or prefix to their number you may need to do a Google search to find this out.

To view the complete seller profile click on the link shown under the seller name.

With express parcel delivery services easily available, and affordable airmail options in most countries, no matter where the seller is located in the world, you should expect your part to arrive within two weeks or less from the time of order. Ask your seller to provide you a tracking number for your freight, that way you can track your parcel via the freight companies website.

To view a video of how to contact a seller click here

Reporting an Unresponsive Seller

There could be many reasons why a seller has not responded to your inquiry. If you have tried to contact a seller by messaging them, maybe try to contact them by phone.

If they have not responded, email the Partmart Help desk at whilst we cannot guarantee we will get a response for you, it is unusual if we don’t.

Partmart is a listing service only

Partmart is not responsible for any non-delivery of goods and will not engage in any part of the transaction between the buyer and the seller.


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